Unbound Ambitions; Career. Relationships. Wellbeing
Welcome to Unbound Ambitions.
My name is Penelope Magoulianiti, and this is a podcast for success-driven women.
I work with women who want to excel in their careers and relationships without struggle or sacrifice.
I go to the heart of the problem and am not afraid to challenge my clients to face the truth.
What I know about success and connection is that both require a new way of doing things.
I coach unbound ambitions; life doesn’t have to be either/or; when you change your perspective, your whole world will shift.
It can happen easily, and this podcast is about helping you unbound yourself from limiting perspectives.
Unbound Ambitions; Career. Relationships. Wellbeing
How Do You Want To Feel This Year?
Have you ever considered how you want to feel? Could it be the secret ingredient to achieving your goals?
Discover the power of aligning your goals with your emotions as we kickstart the new year with a transformative approach to success.
Inspired by my journey and insights from mentors, I dive into the concept of setting feeling-based intentions. Instead of chasing promotions or better health, we explore the profound impact of prioritizing emotions like abundance, vibrancy, and gratitude to cultivate a life you truly love.
Join me as we create a life that feels as good as it looks. Working harder isn't the answer. Letting your emotions lead the way to a more fulfilling existence is the new way of achieving your goals.
Ready to create a life that feels as good as it looks? Let’s dive in!
Book a free consultation and make 2025 your most aligned and fulfilling year by clicking this link.
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Welcome to Unbound Ambitions, the podcast where aspirations meet action, dreams fuel drive and every ceiling is just another floor to break through. Here we celebrate the power of persistence, explore the art of balancing career and personal life and unlock the secrets to growth and fulfillment. Whether climbing the corporate ladder, navigating entrepreneurship or finding harmony in your daily life, unbound Ambitions is your companion in journeying toward your highest goals. Join us as we get real about challenges, present valuable information and equip you with insights for a life that's as thriving as it is grounded. Because here we believe your ambitions are just the beginning. And now your host, penelope Magilniti.
Penelope Magoulianiti:Hello beautiful women, happy New Year. I hope this holiday season brought you moments of reflection, rest, joy and connection. As we step into this fresh chapter, I want to ask you a question that could transform the entire trajectory of your year. How do you want to feel this year? Most of us start the year focusing on what we want to achieve Promotion, more money, better health, improved relationships. But what if I told you the key to everything begins with deciding how you want to feel. Instead of juggling back-to-back meetings at work, trying to squeeze in quality time with your kids or your partner, and somewhere in between you might find a couple of minutes to scroll on social media, and all this time, the main feeling is drained. How about this year you change your focus on how you want to feel? Want to feel.
Penelope Magoulianiti:This first episode in 2025 aims to help you redefine your goals and align them with the feelings that will guide you toward the life you truly want. By the end of this episode, I want you to clearly understand how to set feeling-based intentions, why it's crucial for your success and how this approach can completely change how you move through life. And if this resonates with you, I will share how we can work together to make 2025 the year you thrive emotionally, professionally and personally. So, over many years now, every New Year's Eve, I will spend the whole day reviewing my year. Me and my hubby, we have this ritual of going somewhere we were going somewhere for the whole day to review our year, reflect on our wins, failures, the goals that we have set. And I did just this I was re-evaluating, reflecting, and then, after I finished all this process, I would create a long list of goals for the new year, things that I wanted to do, things that I wanted to have and achieve for the year ahead and achieve for the year ahead.
Penelope Magoulianiti:And many times, even when I checked those boxes, many times I felt that something was missing. And over the last couple of years, after I came across a training I think I came across this training two, three years ago, it was a Mindvalley training I realized that what I was missing wasn't chasing the goal. I was focused on my goals. It was me chasing a feeling. That was what I was missing the sense of accomplishment I wanted to feel when my goal became a reality, the joy, peace or fulfillment I thought the goal would bring.
Penelope Magoulianiti:And when I realized this, my whole approach changed. You see, when you focus on how you want to feel, your priorities become clear Instead of saying yes to every project or commitment. You will know which opportunities align with your feelings, and this is so beautiful because it reduces overwhelm, it helps you make quicker decisions and allows you to show up more powerfully in every role you play, whether at work, at home or for yourself. So here, what I believe is true, after going through all these years doing the reflections and just setting plain goals, and over the last two, three years, going through this new process where I decide how I want to feel and then I set my goals, this is what I believe is true.
Penelope Magoulianiti:The goals we set aren't the real objective. The real objective is the emotion we believe achieving that goal will create. Think about it for a minute If we concentrate on the emotion that we want to feel, on the experience that we want to create, how we want to feel, wouldn't make that goal more appealing to us, wouldn't make that goal to be in alignment with what we crave with what we desire.
Penelope Magoulianiti:So, instead of asking what do I want to achieve this year, let's start by asking how do I want to feel? And when I asked myself this year because, yes, again, I was in Athens with my husband and my kids. We spent 10 days in beautiful Athens. The weather was fantastic Cold but not too cold, it was great. So, me and my hubby, we went to this beautiful rooftop restaurant, coffee, bar, whatever, and we sat there for five hours and we did this. And when I asked myself how do you want to feel this year, penelope? This is the list of feelings that I wrote down and based on abandoned, limitless, fearless, vibrant, sexy, grateful, fired up and passionate, radiant, capable, loved, alive, happy, healthy and energized. This is my list. How about you? How do you want to feel this year?
Penelope Magoulianiti:Everything we do, everything we want to have and every experience we want in our life is driven by the desire to feel a certain way. Our feelings are powerful when we choose fulfillment. Everything changes. Our personal lives change as the way we show up in the world changes, how we make and spend money changes, how we learn and lead changes and how we love changes the feelings that will create what we want in life are our core desired feelings. The list that I gave you is my core desired feelings list, and I want to give you a definition of what a core desired feeling is, and I will use Danielle's Laporte definition of core desire feelings.
Penelope Magoulianiti:Danielle states core desire feelings originate deep within us and make themselves known when we take the time to listen. They don't change when our circumstances change. They are the voice of our soul. I love this. They are the voice of our soul. So when our goals have no soul, we don't achieve them, we don't commit to making them possible, we procrastinate, we find excuses for why they are hard and impossible. But when our goals have sold, sold, this is when, irrespective of what happens around us, we are determined, we are focused, we become resourceful, we become creative, we do whatever is necessary to feel, to experience the feelings that we want.
Penelope Magoulianiti:A woman once told me she became a lawyer because it was her dad's dream, not hers, even though it paid well. According to her, she hated her work and found joy only in numbing the void with a glass or maybe more of wine. This is what happens when your goals have no soul they drain you instead of fulfilling you. Our feelings are the catalyst of our actions. Love will create actions that will produce more kindness and connection. Joy will produce more happy moments. Anger creates more things that will create angrier situations in if we allowed them. Tony Robbins says that energy flows wherever attention goes, so choose the feelings you want to experience to become inspired to act accordingly.
Penelope Magoulianiti:There are three steps to follow if you want to start creating goals based on how you want to feel. Creating goals based on how you want to feel. Step number one is identifying your core desire feelings. Step two, aligning your actions to those feelings. And step three, use your emotions as a compass for decision making. This year, let me expand more on these steps.
Penelope Magoulianiti:Identify your core desire feelings means start by asking yourself what do I want to feel in my career, my relationships, my health and my personal growth? Four very important areas of life Career, relationships, health, personal growth. What do I want to feel? Is it ease, confidence, connection, joy, security, freedom? Maybe? Write down three to five feelings that resonate deeply with you for each of one of these areas. These are your core feelings. These are your core feelings. These are your guiding stars.
Penelope Magoulianiti:Then, once you do this, let's move to align actions with feelings. So, once you identify how you want to feel, think about what actions or habits will create those feelings. For example, if you want to feel connected, does that mean scheduling more quality time with your partner, More quality time with your kids? Does that mean building a supportive network? What connection means to you? So, instead of chasing external goals, align your daily habits and big decisions with the feelings you want to experience.
Penelope Magoulianiti:And the last step is to use feelings as a compass, meaning check in with yourself regularly. Is this decision, is this project or relationship moving me closer to the way I want to feel? If it's not, what can I do differently? Or maybe it might be time to pivot. If you can't change the situation, let's just say that your core feeling is vibrancy, but your current lifestyle exhausts you. I suggest trying this Each morning. Ask yourself what's one thing I can do today to feel vibrant. Maybe it's taking a 15-minute walk or reconnecting with an old hobby. Small, intentional shifts like this create momentum and will help you realign with life when it feels off track.
Penelope Magoulianiti:This approach is perfect for women like you, who love their careers and are called to manage multiple roles the role of a leader, owner, partner, mother, etc. You are juggling deadlines, relationships and self-care, but how often do you stop to ask is all of this making me feel the way I want to feel? I want to challenge you this year. What if, instead of striving for success by traditional standards, you define success by how aligned you are with your desired feelings? How different would your days be if you woke up each day knowing that everything you're doing is helping you feel exactly how you want to feel?
Penelope Magoulianiti:There is a huge benefit in knowing what you desire. When you are clear on what you want, you can choose your commitments and opportunities intentionally. When life brings heartaches and challenges, what will keep you going is when you are thinking about your core desired feelings. This past year was tough for me on a personal level. I had to ask myself repeatedly is this how I want to feel? I had to remind myself daily what I was fighting for, because I was indeed fighting and the battle hasn't finished yet. But what keeps me going is my core desired feelings. They are my compass. They keep me focused, especially when I feel like I am in the middle of a hurricane.
Penelope Magoulianiti:Earlier today, while journaling, I asked myself how do you want to feel today I wrote down loved, inspired, creative. So far, I do feel loved and I am creating this episode for you, which is my desire to inspire you to take action. If this resonates with you and you are ready to design a life where your goals and emotions align, I would love to help you get there. I'm offering a limited number of consultation calls this month, during which we will map out how you can make 2025 your most aligned and fulfilling year yet. Most aligned and fulfilling year yet.
Penelope Magoulianiti:This is a no application call, just you and me, diving into how you can shift from chasing goals to creating a life you love. If you're interested to book your consultation, go to penelopemagoulianiticom/ lets talk or check the link in the show notes to book your call. Imagine starting each day feeling alive, radiant and aligned with your purpose. Let your feelings guide the way this year and watch how the results follow. You don't need to hassle harder. You need to feel better. That's where the magic begins. Thank you for spending this time with me today. I can't wait to hear how you want to feel this year and how you plan to make it happen. Until next time, take care of yourself and remember the life you want begins with how you choose to feel. Much love.