Unbound Ambitions; Career. Relationships. Wellbeing
Welcome to Unbound Ambitions.
My name is Penelope Magoulianiti, and this is a podcast for success-driven women.
I work with women who want to excel in their careers and relationships without struggle or sacrifice.
I go to the heart of the problem and am not afraid to challenge my clients to face the truth.
What I know about success and connection is that both require a new way of doing things.
I coach unbound ambitions; life doesn’t have to be either/or; when you change your perspective, your whole world will shift.
It can happen easily, and this podcast is about helping you unbound yourself from limiting perspectives.
Unbound Ambitions; Career. Relationships. Wellbeing
Embracing Change: Transforming Fear and Scarcity into Abundance
In this episode of Unbound Ambitions, we unlock the power to transform your life and career with actionable insights.
Have you ever felt trapped in your comfort zone, fearful of change, or directionless? Discover how to overcome these barriers with proven strategies and a mindset shift from scarcity to abundance.
Learn how small steps and self-reflection can turn setbacks into valuable lessons.
With an upcoming masterclass on achieving success without sacrifice, Penelope shares tools to combat burnout and societal pressures. It's time to reclaim control over your life, build resilience, and live authentically. Be ready to start your transformation and align your life with your true desires. Don't miss the opportunity to engage in this transformative conversation and take the first step towards a brighter, more fulfilling future.
Head on https://www.penelopemagoulianiti.com/roar to learn more and enrol.
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Welcome to Unbound Ambitions, the podcast where aspirations meet action, dreams fuel drive and every ceiling is just another floor to break through. Here we celebrate the power of persistence, explore the art of balancing career and personal life and unlock the secrets to growth and fulfillment. Whether climbing the corporate ladder, navigating entrepreneurship or finding harmony in your daily life, unbound Ambitions is your companion in journeying toward your highest goals. Join us as we get real about challenges, present valuable information and equip you with insights for a life that's as thriving as it is grounded. Because here we believe your ambitions are just the beginning. And now your host, penelope Magilniti.
Penelope:Hello and welcome to another episode of Unbound Ambitions. Today I wanted to give you a gift, and this gift is a webinar that I've done for my clients to help them unlock their potential. So I are right now. I would like to help you tackle the pain points that are holding you back and also to give you strategies to overcoming them. To overcome these challenges and towards the end of this webinar, I'm taking my clients through a three-minute visualization to create a better future, and my hope is that you will take the time to do it too, because the more you visualize what you want in life, the quicker you will make it happen. So I would like to invite you to listen to this webinar, to pause it to do the exercises and take three to five minutes of your precious time to go through the visualization. I hope you enjoy it as much as my clients did.
Penelope:Hello and welcome. To Unlock your Potential a Prelude to Transformation Masterclass. I created this masterclass to congratulate you on taking the first step toward learning a new way to work on your dreams. I know firsthand how hard it can be to want something but not knowing how to make it possible. Want something but not knowing how to make it possible. Throughout my career, I've tried many times and failed many more. What kept me going, though, was my determination not to abandon my dreams, and I would love to help you to do the same. I work with individuals like you, and I am helping them to adopt a new way of thinking and doing, and let me share a little bit about me. I have 20 years experience in corporate before I started my own business. Years, I invested heavily on my personal growth and education, spending close to $200,000 in learning new skills, learning how to shift my mindset, to create incredible things in my life, and to be trained by the best in the world. I am fortunate to have and had as mentors Anthony Robbins, rich Litvin, brooke Castillo, stacey Baiman, brandon Bouchard, to name a few, and I know that it's possible to rewire your brain. I know that it's possible to overcome limiting beliefs and to create the life and the career that you want, and the fact that you are here with me today is a testament that you want more and that you are willing to learn how to get it.
Penelope:This masterclass could be the first step towards a life-changing journey, so let me give you first an overview on what we will be covering over the next 20-25 minutes or so. We are going to tackle the pain points that are holding us back and once we do, we are going to jump on the strategies we need to have in place so we can overcome these challenges. And, lastly, we will finish with a brief three-minute visualization for a better future and a special offer at the end of it. So let's jump right in, and I want to start this masterclass with these questions what are the pain points you face? Believe it or not, most of us have the same pain points. Now we'll share some here.
Penelope:Some of us may lack of purpose or direction. We feel stuck because we lack a clear purpose or direction in life, and I see this mostly in young generation. Young people come out of their studies thinking now what I've studied for so many years, but I don't know what to do next. I'm not even sure if I like the profession I've chosen. I did it mostly because of my parents' wishes, without a guiding vision or goals to strive towards. Finding motivation or making decisions about the future can be challenging.
Penelope:Another pain point is the fear of change or failure. Fear is a significant barrier to moving forward. If we don't learn to handle fear. It can prevent us from realizing our dreams. I often talk about self-imposed limitations. Fear is one form of self-imposed limitation, one of the strongest forms actually the fear of failure, the fear of making the wrong decision or even fear of success and paralyze many of us, preventing us from taking the steps necessary to change our situation. Therefore, we don't try, we give up after a couple of attempts and we convince ourselves that the things we want is not for us.
Penelope:Another pain point is overwhelm and burnout. Feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities, options or demands of daily life can lead to burnout, and when we are burned out, we can't think positively, we get stabbed into negativity. We don't see the light at the end of the tunnel because we are too exhausted to entertain the possibility of a different approach, let alone pursue change. We find ourselves feeling like we are in a constant state of catch-up. Another one comfort zone confinement. This is our way to avoid pain.
Penelope:What we fail to understand is that our comfort zone, it's another form of being a prisoner. You see, staying within our comfort zone is easy and comfortable at first. However, this can also lead to stagnation because, over time, the fear of stepping outside of this zone can be daunting. It might even feel like a trap and the result is that we are limiting our growth and refuse to see new opportunities. And what do we do? We set unrealistic expectations. This is another way of paying.
Penelope:When we set the bar too high or have unrealistic expectations for ourselves, it can lead to feelings of inadequacy and stagnation. We become discouraged when our achievements don't meet these expectations and we feel stuck. Can you see how our mind is stopping us and what happens when we try and fail or when we set the bar too high, that it's a certain failure from the beginning? We stop believing in ourselves. We start saying to ourselves that we don't have the confidence we need to succeed. Our low self-esteem or self-confidence makes us doubt our abilities to change the things we don't like, and that's our circumstances. So we stop trying altogether and inaction leads to the feeling of being stuck. Another significant pain point is our finances. Financial constraints, the financial limitations that we have, can significantly impact our ability to make changes. Actually, let me rephrase this Financial limitations may cause us to think that we cannot pursue the education that we want. We may become afraid to change our careers or move to a new location. Generally, we feel trapped. But, as I said before, the mind is causing these fearful thoughts that lead to feeling stuck and, as a result, we resign from life.
Penelope:At the beginning of this masterclass I mentioned that over the course of 20 years I've spent close to 200,000 in my personal development. But let me tell you this At the first seminar I attended back in 1999, I didn't have the money I needed to attend a four-day event in Geneva. Deep down, I knew that I had to go. So I've put everything on three different credit cards and, after I've repaid the flights, the hotel accommodation and the attendance of the event, I've left with just enough money for a sandwich a day. It didn't matter though them. My desire to get out of the rat race I was in made me do whatever it was possible to find a way to attend that seminar, and that seminar was the Unleash the Power Within with Tony Robbins. Tony changed the course of my life because my desire to be more was stronger than the chatter is my mind telling me it wasn't possible, and here I am today.
Penelope:The last pain point is environmental or social factors that can cause pain. Again, sometimes the issue is external. It can be toxic relationships and supportive environments or even societal pressures. So if we believe that what we have been told, without questioning or even stop thinking, if what the others are telling us is applying to our situation, it can make it difficult to move forward. We feel like we don't have what it takes to change the situation. So what we do, we don't even try. We give up with the first challenge or setback. And these are the pain points.
Penelope:Allow me to share a brief story about one of my clients. For privacy purposes, I will call her Alex. Alex felt overwhelmed by her day-to-day responsibilities and, as a result, she lost sight of her dreams. She worked in the same office for many years and someone from the outside would say that her life was stable, was successful, had a secure position, decent salary, comfortable routine. Yet each morning Alex was dreading.
Penelope:It was same day after same day after same day, and she was feeling stuck. She felt that her job no longer offered the challenges or growth opportunities that she wanted and the tasks that some time ago they were feeling rewarding. Now they were unfulfilling. She was spending her time in front of the TV, too drained from the day to pursue hobbies or social activities that used to bring her joy. She dreamed of making a change. Alex wanted to start a new career, but fear, uncertainty and the comfort of the known prevented her from making the move. And the thought of leaving the security of a steady job and the fear of failing at something new and the fear of failing at something new it was very daunting at first and very overwhelming. Let me ask you this Does the story of Alex resonate with you? I used to be like Alex during my corporate years.
Penelope:Thankfully, I've realized that growth is in the discomfort, and this is what we've been working on with Alex. Change won't happen from the safety of the known. It requires stepping into the unknown and embracing the discomfort of new beginnings. Change starts with small steps, minor steps, and this is where is required a mindset shift. We need to move from scarcity or fearful mindset to a growth mindset, and the first step I had Alex to do was a commitment to self-reflection was a commitment to self-reflection. I asked him to identify what truly mattered to her, what changes she needed to do, what were her fears, to overcome them so she can have the life that she wanted. And this is what I would like to ask you to do also, but I will twist it a bit because I want it to be more in the concept of fear. So I would invite you to take a piece of paper, pause this video and write down a recent failure, describe it in every detail, and then proceed and ask yourself what lesson have I learned from this experience? Lesson have I learned from this experience? You see, every failure, every setback is an opportunity to learn and grow.
Penelope:The journey towards a better future isn't easy. There are going to be moments of doubt, setbacks and days when the old comfort zone will seem and die soon. But with each small step you will take, you will feel that you are growing the self, more sense of empowerment, and the fact that you have enrolled to both today events and the fact that you're watching this masterclass tells me that you want more from your life. It shows me that you want a change, that you want to live your life the way you want it, not the way others are telling you. You must want it. If you commit to this journey and if you apply what we are learning here and what we will learn at the two events, being stuck will gradually transform into a journey of discovery, growth and, ultimately, transformation. Let me ask you this have you ever felt like you are meant for something?
Penelope:more but just can't seem to take the next step. If the answer is yes, then you are on the right path. Self-reflection and acknowledging your current state will make you more receptive to solutions. So the first step to overcoming our challenges is to shift our mindset, and I will go deeper with this during the Transform your Life event. But I want to give you the basics here.
Penelope:What is creating our results? It's our way of thinking and not our circumstances. You see, we have this misconception that it's our circumstances that are creating our results. But the truth is, it's the stories that we tell ourselves that create a set of chain reactions to reach the results we have. Our mind learns by repetition. So if we repeat over and over the same story the story of poor me everybody's out there to get me. I am not good enough, clever enough, I don't have the right connections, I don't have money what do you think it will happen? You will stay stuck and you will have more or less the same results that you are experiencing right now. But when we learn to tell our mind different stories, this is when we will start to experience different results, experience different results. So let's unlock your potential.
Penelope:I want to guide you to a visualization and activation. It's only going to take three minutes, so, before I begin, find a comfortable seated position in a quiet space where you won't be interrupted. This is your time, a precious few minutes dedicated to you and your journey towards a fulfilling future. Allow yourself to be present, open and receptive to the possibilities that lie within you. Close your eyes gently, take a deep breath in, filling your lungs fully and slowly, then slowly exhale, releasing any tension with it. Let's do this two more times. With each exhale, I want you to feel yourself becoming more relaxed, more grounded. Take another deep breath in, feel the air moving through your nostrils, feeling your chest and abdomen, and then slowly exhale One last time. Breathe in slowly and exhale.
Penelope:In your mind's eye, picture one obstacle that's been holding you back. It might be fear, uncertainty, a specific situation or a thought. Now imagine a gentle, warm light surrounding this obstacle. As you focus on this light, watch the obstacle start to dissolve, shrink and eventually disappear. It's no longer in your way. With the path now clear, envision where you see yourself in a year without this obstacle. What are you doing? Who are you with? Where are you?
Penelope:Imagine the details of your environment the sights, the sounds, the smells. Are you outdoors feeling the warmth of the sun? Feeling the warmth of the sun? Or are you in a cozy, vibrant space filled with inspiration? See yourself smiling, engaged and filled with a sense of purpose and joy. You are thriving, making meaningful progress towards your dreams.
Penelope:Dive deeper into the feelings associated with this vision. Feel the pride in your accomplishments, the joy of living your purpose and the peace that comes from being true to yourself. Let these positive feelings fill you up, warming every part of your being. You are content, fulfilled and at peace. Fulfilled and at peace. Take another your fingers and toes, stretch slightly if you need to and, when you're ready, slowly open your eyes, returning to the room with a renewed sense of possibility and determination. Welcome back. How do you feel? Go back to this feeling every day.
Penelope:The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. As Franklin Roosevelt said, believe in ourselves or self-belief is the foundation upon which we build the possibility of achieving our goals and dreams. It's the confidence that we can face challenges, learn from them and ultimately overcoming them. This inner conviction is the powerful force that we need to go forward. It's what will enable us to pursue what we desire with determination and resilience. Self-doubt can be a significant barrier to believing in our abilities and realizing our potential, but when we believe in ourselves, we challenge these doubts and replace them with positive thoughts about our capabilities and worth. And the more we believe in ourselves the more resilient we become.
Penelope:When we are resilient, we bounce back from setbacks and failures because we know deep down that these setbacks are not reflections of our inability, but rather steps on the path to success. Self-belief also empowers us to take risks and step out of our comfort zones. It's the difference between letting opportunities pass by and seizing them with both hands. However, believing in ourselves is important, but it's through taking action that we make our aspirations a reality. Action is the vehicle through which we translate our internal beliefs into external results. Without action, belief is just a dormant potential. Action transforms our goals from ideas into tangible outcomes. Consistent action will navigate the journey from where we are to where we want to be, and every action, whether successful or not, offers valuable lessons. It's through doing that we learn, adapt and grow. Taking action is how we break through the perceived limits of our capabilities. It challenges our doubts and fears, proving to ourselves that we can achieve. And there is a synergy between believing in ourselves and taking action. You see, belief fuels action, giving it direction and purpose, while action reinforces belief, providing evidence of our capabilities and accomplishments. This dynamic interplay is what creates a cycle of growth and achievement. With this masterclass, I gave you a taste of what to expect in the two upcoming events and, because I want you to gain even more, I would encourage you to book your call with me. I would encourage you to book your call with me. Your call is a bonus because you bought the two events and in that call is going to be a consultation and, at the same time, a personalized strategy session designed to identify your path towards transformation. It's an opportunity to discuss your specific challenges and goals in depth. You will find the booking link below, and I'm offering a limited number of slots over the next two weeks for this exclusive session. When they fill up, I want to accept more bookings. I want to thank you for your time and for taking the first step towards your transformation. I am so excited for the possibility of helping you navigate your journey. Every great journey begins with a simple step, and booking this call could be that pivotal first step. I can't wait to meet you in person. Thank you so much.
Penelope:I hope you enjoyed today's webinar and I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to the upcoming masterclass that I'm running on the 24th of October at 6 pm Central European time. In this masterclass, we are going to cover a new perspective on how to achieve success without having to sacrifice the things that matters the most for you. I'm going to help you and I'm going to take you through a process where you are going to be able to take back control of your career, your relationships and your overall well-being. I'm going to show you strategies on how to start implementing them immediately to break free from burnout and disconnection, and I will give you tools to challenge societal norms and create a life that aligns with your true desires. If you would like to learn more, please go to www. penelopemagoulianiti. com/ roar. I will have the link in the show notes as well. I hope I will see you inside.