Unbound Ambitions; Career. Relationships. Wellbeing

Reflecting on Successes and Learnings of the Year

Penelope Magoulianiti Season 2 Episode 7

Are you ready to unlock personal growth and success? Tune in and prepare to be propelled on a journey that begins with self-reflection and ends with celebration.

Join me as we turn the mirror inward, assessing our triumphs and challenges, not with judgment but with an eagerness to learn and grow. Let's bring the party to every win, big or small, because they are all stepping stones towards achieving our dreams.

Witness the power of celebrating your victories and how they charge up your motivation and self-belief for the next giant leap. It's time for you to ride the wave of self-belief powered by your own achievements.


I want to invite you to a conversation with me. You can book your complimentary spot here.

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Welcome to Unbound Ambitions. My name is Pinelo Pimiglienetti and this is a podcast for success-driven women. I work with women who want to excel in their careers and relationships without struggle or sacrifice. I go to the heart of the problem and I'm not afraid to challenge my clients to face the truth. What I know about success and connection is that both require a new way of doing things. I coach Unbound Ambitions. Life doesn't have to be there or when you change your perspective, your whole world will shift. It can happen easily, and this podcast is about helping you unbound yourself from limiting perspectives. Hello and welcome to another episode of Unbound Ambitions.


We are in the last month of 2023, december 2023 already and I want to dedicate this month's first episode to reflection. This time of the year is perfect for looking back, observing what happened throughout the year and understanding our journey. It's important to celebrate our resilience and our achievements. It's essential to see how strong we are, how resourceful we have become and how far we have gone. It's so easy to forget or to discard small achievements and small wins, but the truth is that because of those wins is that we are experiencing or we are living the bigger ones. Reflection is very powerful and a great way to learn. My husband and I have a ritual that we do every December we spend a whole day at a beautiful hotel, mainly to evaluate the year. So we combine relaxation, some spa treatments, delicious food, nice wine, great coffee, beautiful environment, and with the goal to evaluate what happened during the year, what lessons we've learned, what goals we've achieved, the goals we haven't. We want to know why. We want to know the reasons behind. It's time for us to connect. It's time for us to evaluate our relationship, also the relationship we have with our kids. It's time for us to understand how we can become better, how we can show up more, how we can be more present with each other, with our family, with our friends, with our work. Reflecting helps us understand our journey. We appreciate our growth and learn from our experiences. It's a great tool for self-awareness and a compass for future decisions.


Earlier today, I've delivered a webinar to an investing educational company and I had the attendees go through a bunch of questions and I also created different scenarios for them to evaluate their investment decisions this past year and the lessons they've learned from those decisions. We learn when we are willing to find out what worked, what didn't work and how we can do things differently next time. You probably heard before how many times Edison failed before he managed to successfully design the light bulb and, if you don't know, it was 10,000 times. And when they asked him how does he feel to fail so many times, he famously said those 10,000 times were not failures but steps towards success. We are afraid to fail, but the truth is, without failing, we can't truly experience success. So I would like to invite you to approach the evaluation process, if you choose to do it, with excitement and not resentment. I would like to invite you to do it without judgment, but with curiosity. I would like to invite you not to resist this process, but look forward to it, because this is the way to achieve what you want.


Now let's see why it's important not only to evaluate our year, but also to celebrate our successes. The truth is that there are psychological benefits for celebrating all of our wins, and it doesn't really matter if it's a small win or a big win that we are celebrating. It doesn't really matter whether you are celebrating landing a big project or maintaining a consistent workout routine. What matters is that this recognition, this celebration, fuels motivation and self-belief. This is the gain here, the recognition that you are going to give to yourself, that it will make you want to do it more, it will excite you and it will cause you to believe more in yourself and your abilities.


Through the Goddess Diary process, I encourage my clients to celebrate every win and feel grateful for it. I will encourage you to do this practice for a period of time and if you do, if you choose to do it for 30 days, you will be amazed how much you will have to celebrate, for that's the first thing, and, secondly, how much more happiness and positivity and excitement you will have. You will gain because you are going to train your mind to concentrate more on the positive, on the good things of life. And guess what? The more you concentrate on the good, the more good things you are going to attract. Let me ask you this Can you name out loud or write down at least three successes you had this year? Can you do it? Can you name them? Post this podcast, if you have to, and write three successes of this year. Even if you took a moment over this past year every day to note down on a journal one win, how many would you be counting right now, and how would you feel?


The feeling that you have when you achieve something is priceless, and the truth is that we don't need anyone else to celebrate how brilliant and accomplished we are. We need to do it for ourselves. Acknowledging our wins gives us a feeling of satisfaction and worthiness. Both are very important feelings in our state, for our state of mind and for all of our accomplishments. And the last piece that I want to focus on today is learning from challenges. So I've talked about the importance of reflection. I've talked about the importance of celebrating the wins big or small doesn't really matter. The risk of actually celebrating courageous, translucent scientists are getting like more.


I would like to touch how important it is to learn from challenges, and this is the right time to learn from setbacks and challenges. If we want to understand why we haven't achieved our goals, we have to explore what we did, the actions we took, the failures we had, and learn from them. And I like to call my failures failing forward, because the truth is that every failure is an opportunity to learn and grow, and I know that when we fail, we don't want to look at it this way. I know that. I understand that I sometimes feel the same. Consider this as an opportunity to learn something. Failure true failure happens when we stop, when we abandon our dreams, when we give up. Only then we fail. If, during this past year, we came across challenges and setbacks, we don't want to consider them as failures but as valuable lessons. When we believe we failed, we are demotivating ourselves because nobody wants to fail. But let me give you this idea how about you change your perspective and you consider your setback, or setbacks, valuable lessons that let you to a significant growth? How different would you feel and what kind of actions would you take if you adopted this approach?


Let's do this exercise together. Think about a challenge you faced during this past year. What did this event taught you? Did it cause you to uncover and strength that you didn't realize you had? Has it led you to a new perspective, to a new realization? Write down your answer and I will encourage you not to rush to go through these questions.


Take your time, come back to this podcast and pause it and do the exercise. The more you explore and you go deep, the more realizations you will have, the more a hard moments you will have. What if you took some time off and you did this for every major obstacle or setback you faced on a professional or on a personal level over these past 11 months. Do you believe you will find valuable lessons hidden in those challenges, in those setbacks? I bet you will, and if you do this, then use these lessons to create new experiences and new successes. This is how we succeed not by avoiding facing our reality, not by being afraid to find out the truth of what our actions have created, but being brave to sit down and reflect, to explore, to investigate what happened and to be brave enough to take those lessons and implement them again so we don't fail again. We don't repeat the same failure. We fail forward if we have to fail. When you do this and I hope you're going to do it the final step is to link your reflections to your future goals, so understanding our past year can be a powerful guide for setting next year's goals. Reactions can help identify areas of improvement and aspects of life that bring the most fulfillment. Use these insights that you've gained to set new goals.


Write down your goals and make them specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound. This is the smart model Write down your goals for both your personal and professional life, and choose one on each area to concentrate on the next three months. Remember our ambition to succeed doesn't have to come with a sacrifice. We don't sacrifice our relationship or our health for our professional success. We find a way to combine both. How about making that your primary goal this year? Finding a way to create a balance in your life that gives you the benefits of a thriving career while having a connected, meaningful relationship at home? I know it's possible because I am living it. I have created it and I am experiencing it every single day.


Today, we talked about how important it is to devote time to reflect on our personal and on our professional achievements, setbacks, challenges, failures and growth. Take pride in your journey so far and use your experiences as stepping stones. Learn from your mistakes, learn from your failures, and don't allow them to become your excuses for not creating the life that you want. Keep reminding yourself that if you don't know how to do something, you will figure it out. You will find a way. Next week, we are going to talk about a holistic approach on how to set goals for the new year. This is the right time to do this exercise. This is the right time to go through these steps, and only if you want a better future, if you want to achieve your goals, if you want to improve your lifestyle, if you want to improve your health, to improve your relationship.


Until then, if you haven't become a subscriber to my podcast, please do Share this episode with someone that you believe it will benefit him or her and go to www. penelopemagoulianiti. com/ gift to claim a free gift I have prepared for you. Thank you so much for listening. Much love. There are several myths and misconceptions that exist about women who want to have successful careers and maintain fulfilling and beautiful relationships, and this is what I love to do. I love to debunk these myths, to coach and guide women to a new way of thinking and doing. If you're interested in learning more about my work, I would like to invite you to a conversation. Go to www. penelopemagoulianiti. com/l ets talk to book your call.