Unbound Ambitions; Career. Relationships. Wellbeing

Balancing Act: Navigating Ambitious Careers in Modern Relationships

October 31, 2023 Season 2 Episode 3

Ever feel like you're walking a tightrope, balancing your career ambitions with the demands of your personal relationships? You're not alone. In this episode of Unbound Ambitions, we will explore the intricate dynamics that come into play when both partners in a relationship are ambitious and career-focused.

Shattering traditional expectations of gender roles, more women than ever are climbing the corporate ladder. But how does this shift influence the dynamics within a relationship?

We discuss everything from time management struggles to role overlap and the emotional toll that high-pressure jobs can have on a relationship. More importantly, we unearth the power of effective communication, compromise, and mutual respect in building a harmonious, supportive relationship.

So, if you're juggling professional pursuits with personal connections, tune in to discover how to unbind yourself from limiting perspectives and foster a relationship that grows individually and collectively amidst career ambitions.


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Penelope Magoulianiti:

Welcome to Unbound Ambitions. My name is Penelope Magoulianiti, and this is a podcast for success-driven women. I work with women who want to excel in their careers and relationships without struggle or sacrifice. I go to the heart of the problem and I'm not afraid to challenge my clients to face the truth. What I know about success and connection is that both require a new way of doing things. I coach Unbound Ambitions. Life doesn't have to be either or. When you change your perspective, your whole world will shift. It can happen easily and this podcast is about helping you unbound yourself from limiting perspectives. Hello and welcome to today's episode on Unbound Ambitions. Today we are discussing the dynamics and challenges when both partners are career-driven.

Penelope Magoulianiti:

The dynamics between relationships and careers have undergone significant transformation in recent decades. Career opportunities for women have grown exponentially. This means more women are entering the workforce with aspirations similar to their male counterparts. I was reading a study some time ago and that study was saying that the university graduates women university graduates the percentage is higher. I think it was around 60%. So more and more women are gaining more and more degrees and more and more women are entering into the workplace and more and more women want to succeed in their careers. They want to excel in their fields, and this creates a new dynamic around their relationships. But apart from women entering in the workplace, there is a cultural shift as well. The societal expectations of gender roles have evolved. It's no longer a given that one partner will focus solely on career while the other manages the household, and usually this was the husband works and the woman cleans, and there is a mutual ambition nowadays within the couple. More and more couples increasingly find common ground in their professional aspirations, leading to a shared understanding of the pressures and rewards of a demanding career.

Penelope Magoulianiti:

And as we all know, the dual career dynamic comes with its challenges and can test the strength of our relationships. When both partners are driven in their professional fields, the dynamics of their relationship can become complex, and I am talking from a personal experience here. I remember how angry I could become when I felt my husband wasn't helping me and how unfair I thought it was. But before I give you an example of how this dynamic looks like, let me first give you a deeper look into how ambition influences dual career relationships. Let's go to the challenges first.

Penelope Magoulianiti:

One of the biggest challenges that dual career relationships face is time management. Both partners. They are juggling, they are demanding jobs. Finding quality time for each other in these situations can be challenging. It can become another task to do and if we don't pay attention to it, if we don't make the effort to find the quality time, it becomes a big problem. Another challenge can be a role overlap, and this happens when partners belong to the same profession. Here there is the potential for competition or disagreements based on different professional opinions. And then we have the career moves, and this translates to relocation for a job opportunity, to maybe long business trips which can strain the relationship if not discussed and planned properly. And finally, another challenge is the emotional burnout. High pressure jobs can lead to stress and when both partners come home drained, usually it starts creating tension. This is what Julia's life looked like.

Penelope Magoulianiti:

Julia is a senior executive in a forex firm who's been married to her college sweetheart, mark, a successful architect, for over a decade. During the college days, their biggest concern was coordinating study schedules. Fast forward to today, their challenges have evolved synchronizing business trips, attending important events and ensuring neither feels overshadows by others achievements. Early in their marriage, mark had an opportunity to work on a prestigious project overseas for six months, coinciding with Julia's promotion, which demanded more of her time at the local office. So the couple find themselves in this dilemma and the decision was tough. But after long and honest conversations, they decided Mark will take up the project and Julia would support from home, ensuring they still make time for virtual dates and regular catch ups. The experience for them was very challenging, as you can imagine, and the upside was that it taught them an invaluable lesson.

Penelope Magoulianiti:

Julia learned the importance of trust, the importance of effective communication and the beauty of sacrifice in love. Because, let's be honest, to have a good relationship is not always what I am benefiting from. A good partner sometimes takes a step back to support their partner, to be for their partner, and this is what Julia did. She took a step back. She had to trust Mark, she had to find new ways. They both had to find new ways to communicate better. So they set boundaries. They decided that they will not talk and discuss work after 8pm and they started prioritizing as time during weekends with virtually. It could have been a little bit tricky, but it makes things different. So when both partners are committed, like Julia and Mark, to make the relationship work, there is always a way. This is what I am trying to say here when you want to make something happen, you will find a way, you will figure it out. When we are not willing to look outside of how we think things should be, then problems arise.

Penelope Magoulianiti:

When I first met my husband, we were in a long distance relationship for two years Before a good opportunity showed up for me. We were living in two different countries. That opportunity meant that I could move to the UK and be with him, but during those two years we were committed to making our relationship work and also getting to know each other better. We traveled often, we had long weekends and we chatted every day. We did everything in our power to make sure that not only did the relationship stay alive, but it got stronger. And we must have done something right, because one week ago we've been together for 21 years, but, as Julia, I had to trust, I had to believe and I had to support him and he supported me in our decisions.

Penelope Magoulianiti:

So what's the key takeaways from Julia's and my story? Communication is key. We must have, and you must have, an open dialogue about what you both want. You must express your fears and your expectations. It's very important. You must tell your partner what's going on, how you feel, what you are thinking, what you are afraid of, flexibility and compromise.

Penelope Magoulianiti:

While it was challenging for Julia not to have Mark physically present during her promotion phase, she focused on the biggest picture of their joint future. She found the good things that came from this long distance relationship for a while. She found the positives and she didn't stay on the negatives. Same. I was focusing on the positives and not on the negatives. Boundaries are essential. By setting clear boundaries, you ensure your professional lives don't overshadow your connection. Mutual respect is very important.

Penelope Magoulianiti:

While Julia and Mark's careers were on different trajectories, their commitment to understanding and supporting each other's ambitions was vital in nurturing their bond. The same applied to my relationship when I met my husband. He led a team in a big corporate, while I was part of a private banking team with a demanding schedule. Our commitment to support each other and be honest with each other, especially when doubt showed up Remember, long distance relationships kept us going when things were becoming challenging. In both examples I've shared there was shared understanding, meaning that being in similar professional spheres didn't stop them Julia and Mark, me and my husband from empathizing with each other's challenges and triumphs. It created a joint growth. In both examples, the couples were ambitious and yet they pushed each other to achieve their best by not allowing the challenges to hold them back and by becoming resourceful to keep their connections strong, even when they were thousands of miles apart. It requires teamwork, it requires a great teamwork and this can happen when we lean on each other during tough times and celebrate together during achievements.

Penelope Magoulianiti:

And the last one, having clear communication. As you can see, it's the second time that I am referring to good communication, because strong communication skills are a must, not only in our professional lives but, more important, they are in our personal lives, because when there is an effective dialogue, then we can manage anything that comes up, we can discuss and we can decide and we can share things with each other without resentment, without anger. Without doubt, the journey of juggling professional ambitions and personal connections has its challenges, I'm not going to deny that. But yet with communication, understanding, mutual respect, you can create a strong and loving relationship. Our modern world has redefined the partnership dynamics. Couples. Our days have the unique opportunity to grow individually and together. Never this before happened. Women were at home while men were out there, bringing in the income, bringing in the food. Nowadays, there is more equal opportunities for both couples to do that. Nowadays, more and more women are career focused, are success focused, and this is great, and that's why we need to redefine our partnership dynamics.

Penelope Magoulianiti:

To all of you who are navigating this complex dance of dual careers, it's not about choosing a career over love or vice versa. Please understand this. We are not discussing here to make sacrifices, to leave or step back from something that you love, that you want to succeed on. It's more about finding the rhythm that celebrates both. It's more about finding the balance that you can have both worlds and feel joy and excitement and grow in both worlds. Thank you so much for joining me today in this episode. I hope you found it helpful. Share it if you believe is going to help someone, and until next time, much love. There are several myths and misconceptions that exist about women who want to have successful careers and maintaining fulfilling and beautiful relationships, and this is what I love to do. I love to debunk at these myths, to coach and guide women to a new way of thinking and doing. If you're interested in learning more about my work, I would like to invite you to a conversation. Go to PenelopeMagoulianiticom/l ets talk and book your call.